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Hi, this Marques, the founder of MyVidster. I am to trying to get the site back to 100%. I typically NEVER try to place the blame of others, but I am in FULL RAGE MORE and that is very rare that this happens. EVERY THAT I HAVE HIRED OR CONTRACT FAILED and now I am doing all the work that typically takes at least 5, best at 10. I will give more details soon.  Feel free to communicate and join us on Twitter.


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Member since: 14 Nov, 2012
Location: New York, New York
Relationship status: Taken
About me:
You know deep down that you must stop smoking and by visiting our site you are admitting to yourself that you need help. Kick The Habit Now can help you. When you schedule your appointment our staff will briefly explain Kick The Habit Now's unique treatment. During your appointment a Kick The Habit Now professional will take a brief medical history and explain the details of the laser treatment. It is a safe, painless treatment utilizing a low-power laser in which a cold, soft light is directed at specific points on the body. The points on the body are known to be useful in helping to control nicotine addiction. Stimulating these points will enhance relaxation and create a sense of well-being while combating nicotine cravings. Your office visit will be less than one hour. After your treatment we will review post therapy instructions and behavior modification techniques. In addition, we will give you a package of items that will be helpful in combating the mental stress associated with quitting smoking.


11 year


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