Hire Remote Developers For Your Needs

Benefit from our top remote software developers, engineers, designers, and software architects. We can cover all tech needs for whatever project you have in mind.
Hire a top developer

Why Should You Hire Remote Developers from Glorium?

Without Glorium
  • Chasing the “expert developers” to find out their skills don’t match their CV
  • Incurring high recruitment and training costs.
  • Dedicating project manager’s time solely to managing multiple freelancers and agencies
  • Jeopardizing sensitive data by involving multiple entities
  • Risking delivery breaches due to inconsistent contract commitments.
With Glorium
  • Access to a wide pool of top developers in regulated industries
  • Fast and efficient recruitment and onboarding process.
  • Streamlined project management with clear communication and reporting.
  • Development process under the GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO27001 due to experienced and efficient developers.
  • Lower risk of errors and delays with high-quality output and on-time delivery.

We Have Specific Skillset

Hire remote software developers  with expertise in various technologies and services that can fulfill various roles in your project. 

By Role

Other specialists
Full-stack developer
Front-end developer
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Back end developer
Back-end developer
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Mobile app developer
Mobile app developer
DevOps engineer
DevOps engineer
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Software architect
Software architect
Machine learning engineer
Machine learning engineer
Cloud engineer
Cloud engineer
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Database developer
Database developer
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Business analyst
Project manager
Business analyst
Business analyst
Data scientist
Data scientist
UIUX designer
UI/UX designer
Quality assurance engineer
Quality assurance engineer
System administrator
System administrator
Security specialist
Security specialist
Technical writer
Technical writer

By Technology

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Ruby on rails
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ASP net
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Progressive Web Apps
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React Native
React Native
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Objective C
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Power Bl
Power BI
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Hire the developer for your needs
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Hire the developer for your needs
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google cloud
Google Cloud
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Oracle 1
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By Infrastructure

Google Cloud
Google Cloud
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
IBM Cloud
IBM Cloud

By Service

Cloud based Solutions
Software Development

Glorium’s developers are experts in engineering software solutions tailored to your specific business needs. We develop scalable and secure software that will enhance your business.

web development
Web Development

Our experts develop user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized desktop applications. We specialize in front-end and back-end web development, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Mobile Development

Hire developers proficient in creating mobile applications for both Android and iOS platforms. We can help you create a mobile app, ensuring your customers have a smooth cross-platform experience.

Deep Expertise in the Industries

Hire dedicated remote developers with deep expertise in  healthcare and real estate software development to take your business to the next level. We can help you to create a product that follows industry-wide standards like HIPAA, HL7/FHIR, and GDPR.
Real estate
Real estate
Telehealth Software
Telehealth Software
Build custom telehealth software for high-quality patient care regardless of location.
EMREHR Solution
EMR&EHR Solutions
Custom EHR/EMR software for simple doctor-patient communication.
Remote Patient Monitoring
Remote Patient Monitoring
Remote patient monitoring software for wearables and telemedicine.
Patient Portals
Patient Portals
Custom cloud-based medical software solutions with patient portals for medical records and appointments.
Listing Platforms
Listing Platforms
Creating custom real estate listing platforms with advanced search, customizable fields.
Property Management Software
Property Management Software
Optimize property management workflows with accounting, database, and reporting features.
Valuation Software
Valuation Software
Evaluate and manage numerous properties without any complications.
ARVR Software
AR/VR Software
AR/VR real estate software for unique customer experiences.

Cooperation Models We Offer

At Glorium Technologies, we offer various cooperation models to fit the needs of our clients. Whether you need to hire developers for your startup or you want to establish a long-term partnership, we can customize our cooperation model to meet your requirements.
Staff Augmentation
Put together your dream team
  • Rapidly expand your team for a project
  • Access unique skills not available in-house
  • Reduce recruitment costs
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Dedicated Team
Jumpstart your project fast
  • Partner long-term with developers
  • Fully control development process
  • Cut risks, boost transparency
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Outstaffing Services
Build a remote tech hub
  • Hire remote developers cost-efficiently
  • Focus on your core business
  • Have a flexible and scalable solution
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Flexible Pricing

We offer flexible pricing models* to accommodate the unique needs of each of our clients.
Monthly Pricing Model
For clients looking to hire remote developers to work on a long-term project.
  • Stable monthly costs for easy budgeting
  • Reduced administrative overhead
  • All development services are included
  • Flexibility to adjust the team size and scope of work
Hourly Pricing Model
For flexible projects — hire the top developers and pay only for time spent on development.
  • Adjustable scope and team size
  • Pay only for the actual development time.
  • No upfront costs or commitments for developers
  • Great for short-term projects with uncertain requirements

*Please note that prices for the developers’ services may vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, the skill level required, and the scope of the work. Contact us to discuss which pricing model would work best for your project.

Why Should You Hire Remote Developers from Us?

At Glorium, we offer a range of benefits when you hire developers:
  • Plenty of highly skilled talent to fulfill your engineering needs
  • Proven expertise with dozens of successful projects in various fields
  • Full compliance with ISO standards
  • No bureaucratic hurdles with quick start and flexible cooperation models
  • Affordable development and overhead costs without compromising quality
  • Flexible hiring models to fit your needs and budget
  • Fast and efficient development process and engineering of products
  • Dedicated project manager to ensure smooth communication and project delivery
Full-stack engineer
  • Java
  • PHP
  • JavaScript
Back-end developer
  • .NET
  • Node.js
  • C#
Front-end developer
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Web3
Full-stack engineer
  • Python
  • Node.js
  • React
Back-end developer
  • Laravel
  • MySQL
  • Codeception

How We Collaborate

At Glorium, we believe that a successful collaboration between our team and the client is based on a clear distribution of responsibilities.
Client side
  • Clearly define project requirements, goals, and expectations
  • Provide timely feedback and communication to the Glorium team
  • Allocate necessary resources and budget for the project
  • Ensure compliance with legal and intellectual property rights
  • Call for adjustments to the working process in a timely manner
Glorium side
  • Assign a dedicated team of skilled developers and project managers
  • Develop a project roadmap and timeline based on the client’s requirements
  • Provide regular progress updates and transparent communication
  • Deliver high-quality software solutions on time and within budget
  • Ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices

Get Started with Glorium Developers

How to hire remote developers from us? Just provide information about your company, project, and needs. We’ll find the right developer for you.
  1. BRIEF We get your requirements
  2. CHOOSE We send you a shortlist
  3. PLAN We set the cooperation details
  4. TEST You interview the candidates
  5. WORK Your developer starts working

Hiring Process for Dedicated Developers

You will go through these steps to pick the developers that suit your requirements best
Share the Brief
Give us a description of your project. We will suggest the developers from our talent pool who can complete your tasks best. Include any specific requirements or technologies.
Scan the Talents
We usually have more than one option for developers skilled in any technology. We will ensure we match you with professionals delivering quality work within your timeline.
Run the Tests
During this stage, the candidates' skills and abilities are evaluated through.
Plan Strategy
We set cooperation details like the developers’ scope of work.
Hire the Talent
Arrange the onboarding and kick-off, and get to work. The developer will remain our employee, but you will have complete control over their tasks.
step process

Recent healthcare clients

ITR logo medium

Our clients say about us

Frame 80
They’re truly exceptional.
Turtle Health
Joshua Haselkorn,
Co-Founder, Turtle Health
Frame 80
Excellent experience from both professional expertise and customer experience perspectives.
Ingrid Vasiliu Feltes
Ingrid Vasiliu Feltes,
CEO at Softhread
Frame 80
Their punctuality and delivery capabilities were exactly as advertised.
Yayoi Sakaki
Yayoi Sakaki,
CEO, Project Ipsilon B.V.

Some clients' journeys

Who we are

Learn more

Glorium Technologies is a full-cycle app & software development company which covers specific client business needs and manage them with the help of the best possible technology solutions.

Since 2010, we have been inventing digital breakthroughs, helping startups and businesses come out on top in their markets.


Why choose us

Products delivered:
Global delivery experience:
Client satisfaction rate:
Awards & certifications:

Awards & recognitions

More achievements
real leaders
behemot 2023
excellence award

Inc. 5000


Named among the Inc.5000 (2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024) & Regionals (2021, 2022, 2024) fastest-growing private companies in America


ISO 9001
ISO 13485
ISO 27001

    Let's connect!

    Send us a message, and we'll promptly discuss your project with you.

    What’s next?

    We start by signing an NDA to ensure your ideas are protected.

    Then, our team will analyze your requirements.

    You get a detailed project outline.

    We bring your project to life, so you can focus on growing your business.

    How To Hire a Remote Development Team: Tips for Founders

    The trend to hire remote developers from outsourcing companies like Glorium Technologies has been gaining significant momentum. This approach not only broadens the talent pool but also offers a range of strategic advantages for companies aiming to enhance their development process. Let’s explore the critical steps and benefits involved in hiring remote developers.

    Benefits of Hiring a Dedicated Remote Development Team

    It may not be apparent from the very beginning, but hiring globally nearly automatically means you are entitled to global competitive advantages. Some of these global benefits become apparent during the first week. Others become evident after several months. Let’s have a look at the impacts of hiring a remote team of developers on your business.

    When you are hiring for the office, your choice is limited to one city (plus a one-hour driving distance, at best). If you’ve found a developer who is the perfect fit for your team/project, but they live across the country — you’d probably think twice about relocating. Relocation is a significant expenditure for any budget, especially when it involves a family.

    When you choose to hire remote developers, your HR and operations budgets are much more affordable because an entire range of complications is automatically excluded from the list.

    How to Hire a Remote Development Team

    As you see, аccess to a top-notch remote team of software developers is no longer a distant dream; it’s a reality that can transform your projects into resounding successes. With over a decade of experience in the field, our team of seasoned remote developers is here to help you hire a dedicated remote development team of skilled professionals tailored to meet your project requirements.

    Identify Your Project Requirements

    The initial step in leveraging the expertise of professional remote developers involves a clear identification of your project’s scope, preferred technologies, and ultimate objectives. This clarity ensures that you embark on your hiring process with a precise vision.

    Determine the Team Composition

    Deciding on the composition of your remote team is crucial. Whether you need front-end developers, back-end developers, or UX/UI designers, understanding the roles and the level of expertise required for each is key. It’s essential to assess the complexity of your project to decide whether to hire dedicated remote developers or a complete remote development team.

    Where to Look for Candidates

    Platforms like LinkedIn, GitHub, and specialized remote job boards serve as excellent resources for finding skilled remote software developers. Outsourcing companies like Glorium Technologies can also provide access to a pool of top developers, simplifying the search process.

    Vetting Candidates

    When hiring remote developers, evaluating technical skills, cultural fit, and communication abilities is paramount.

    Conducting Effective Interviews

    Remote interviews are a critical component of the hiring process. They offer an opportunity to assess not only the technical capabilities of the candidates but also their communication skills and ability to integrate into a remote team environment.

    Legal and Operational Considerations

    Clear contracts that outline expectations, deliverables, payment terms, and confidentiality are essential when hiring remote workers. These agreements protect both the company and the remote developers, ensuring a mutual understanding of the collaboration terms.

    When hiring remote development teams, especially from different countries, it’s crucial to establish a reliable payment structure. This might involve considering various international payment platforms to ensure smooth and timely transactions. Understanding the challenges of hiring remote developers internationally is vital. Ensuring compliance with local laws and tax regulations in the developer’s country can mitigate potential legal issues.

    In conclusion, hiring remote developers from outsourcing companies like Glorium Technologies offers a multitude of advantages, including access to a talent pool of professional remote developers, flexibility in scaling your remote team, and the ability to expedite the development process. By carefully identifying your project needs, finding the right talent, and addressing legal and operational considerations, you can build a robust team of remote developers poised to bring your digital projects to life.

    Cost of Hiring a Remote Developer Team

    When you are looking to hire a remote software development team, cost considerations often shape the decision-making process. Understanding the factors that influence the cost can empower you to make financially sound choices while securing the best talent.

    Below are the key elements that impact the cost of hiring a remote development team:

    • Geographic location factor when hiring remote workers: Rates vary based on the developers’ country or region, with potential cost savings in countries with a lower cost of living. The median cost per hour of work of medium-level developer in Phillippines, China or India can be around $15-25 per hour; in Eastern Europe and LatAm, that would be around $50-60 per hour; and in the USA, Canada, or the UK, you’ll have to shell out $100-120 per hour of development.
    • Skill level and experience when you need to hire dedicated remote developers: Rates are influenced by the expertise and experience of remote developers, with seasoned professionals charging higher fees. Consider the mix of developers you will need on your team, considering that you would want senior developers to plan and oversee the projects and less costly juniors to take on the bulk of the repetitive, tedious work. Expect to pay $5000-7000 per month to a senior developer and $1500-2500 monthly to a junior.
    • Time zone and working hours when working with skilled remote software developers: Similar time zones facilitate smooth communication, while different time zones offer round-the-clock support but may pose coordination challenges. Having your team in the same time zone is great, but if you are in the USA, it will affect your cost accordingly. If you go for offshore hiring, ensure you have at least 3-4 hours of operational overlap with your remote team.
    • Project scope and duration when you hire remote development teams: Short-term vs. long-term projects impact cost structures, and clear project scope helps with accurate cost estimates. The usual duration for the software projects is somewhere between 6-24 months. Considering that a software project may cost $25-30,000 and more per month, if your project drags, the cost will add really quickly. It is best to speak to your development provider’s business analysts before the kick-off to get a clear idea about the realistic timeline.
    • Remote platform fees: Be mindful of third-party platform fees (e.g., Upwork or Toptal), which may impact the overall project cost. When hiring a remote team from a remote development company, you should also expect to pay for the project manager working on the team’s side. Do not try to cut the cost here, as it can impact the smooth delivery of the project.
    • Communication and collaboration tools when you hire skilled remote developers: Investing in efficient tools fosters seamless remote teamwork, although they come with associated costs. Think tools like Jira and Asana for work task synchronization, Miro for the remote brainstorming sessions, and Slack and Zoom for keeping up the day-to-day routine messaging.
    • Additional services and support: Consider any extra services needed (e.g., maintenance or post-development support), which may influence overall costs. This may include licensing and any extra fees for the patent checks, regulations consultants, and international lawyers you may need as you scale your product.

    Benefit of hiring a remote software development team is the speed of onboarding and offboarding people as you need, where you need them. Having most of your development workforce functioning in an augmented mode allows your business to save massive sums of money on overhead and operational expenses.

    Emhasize responsibility for development process

    In a dedicated team, each member is personally interested in the excellence of the result. In around three-quarters of all cases, hiring a dedicated remote development team would be a much better choice than hiring freelancers one by one. To say the very least, group hiring saves a tremendous amount of time.

    However, this does not mean hiring an entire team is the secret sauce for solving all managerial problems simultaneously. Imagine a situation where you’ve just hired an entire team of 10-15 developers only to realize you can’t manage them properly. This would be a huge expenditure that was spent in vain and a tremendous loss of precious time.

    To avoid this situation, use the methods from the next section.

    Structure of a Remote Dedicated Development Team

    If you want all processes to go smoothly, first you need to identify team leads or managers who can guide and support the team. Involve these people from the very start — ideally, they should be the ones overseeing the hiring process. Having clear reporting structures helps in making decisions, providing feedback, and ensuring smooth coordination within the team.

    To get an idea of how the development team functions, it’s good to know the roles and responsibilities of remote development teams.

    Assigning these roles with clear responsibilities ensures that each team member knows their part in the project and contributes effectively to its success.

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on your project
    Questions You May Have

    How are your developers different?

    80% of our remote developers for hire are at the senior level. We match you with talent of the highest caliber. You’ll work with engineering experts who understand your goals, technical needs, and team dynamics. The satisfaction rate of our clients is near 100%.

    How fast can I hire remote developers from you?

    Depending on availability and how fast you can progress, you could start working with a developer within a week after contacting us. This is a big benefit when you are looking to hire developers for a startup or hire developers for a new business.

    Do you provide any sort of guarantee for the quality of work of your developers?

    When you hire a remote developer, we make sure that each engagement between you is mutually beneficial. If, for some reason, you’re dissatisfied with our talent, we’ll offer you a valid replacement. That barely ever happens.

    Can I test your remote developers when hiring?

    When you are thinking about how to hire developers for a startup, you probably foresee testing at some point. Do not worry; you can run all reasonable tests you need with our developers – it’s part of the hiring process.

    Why is it a good idea to hire developers in Ukraine?

    Ukraine has a large pool of talented and experienced software developers known for their technical expertise. When you hire developers in Ukraine, you get competitive rates for high-quality software development services, with lower labor costs and favorable exchange rates.

    Are your remote developers certified for compliance with the safety standards?

    If you need to hire developers for app creation in healthcare, real estate, o any other regulated industry, we are the right place to come to. Our developers comply with HIPAA and GDPR requirements and have ISO certifications.

    How to hire remote software developers who will fit my startup’s culture and values well?

    To ensure that the outsourcing company’s developers are a good fit for your startup’s culture and values, communicate your company’s mission and values, involve them in your startup’s decision-making process, and provide opportunities for cultural exchange and collaboration.

    How do I hire developers for a startup who have the necessary skills and experience?

    When you need a remote software developer for a particular task, you can ensure they have the necessary skills and experience by asking for references and reviewing their portfolio or past work. You can also ask for code samples or conduct a technical interview to evaluate their skills.

    Where do I hire developers for new startups?

    You can hire remote developers via job boards, freelance platforms, referrals, and developer communities like GitHub, Stack Overflow, and Reddit. Yet, to cut the time and budget for hiring, you can use the outsourcing software development companies like Glorium, which already have a pool of hand-picked, top-notch developers.

    What is an outstaff service?

    An outstaff service involves hiring dedicated professionals through a third-party provider to work as part of your team, usually at a remote location. Our outstaffing Services model allows our clients to establish a remote development center with our experienced software developers for hire under their direct supervision. Cost-efficient, flexible, and scalable solutions enable our clients to focus on their core business while we take care of the technical aspects.