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Results from Funny Or Die (3 out of 107)
What They Whispered: Friends Edition from David Elmaleh

Listen in on the moments the gang from Friends didn't want you listening in on: when they quietly whispered to one another.
Trump Stars in Billy Madison from Funny Or Die

Everyone in the room is now dumber for having listened to Trump.
Donald Trump Admits He039s A Bum from Funny Or Die

LeBron's claim that Trump is a bum now has video evidence!
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Muscle Cam Mashup 4 Hours of Webcam Muscle

Joey's faves: a mashup of nearly 4 hours of some the best private muscle shows online - webcam, private posing, gym posing, mobile, home posing,
Mr Rogers in 039Won039t You Be My Dahmer039 from Funny Or Die

Mr. Rogers has a dark secret in the new trailer for 'Won't You Be My Dahmer?'