We all have stress in our lives. But knowing how to calm down when you're stressed and anxious can be imperative. Not only for your sanity but for your entire body's well being. As an Energy Healer, I am often helping people optimize their healing. One big step to optimize your body's natural healing functions is to minimize the stress overload, or sympathetic overdrive, within our body. If the body feels it needs to be in survival mode, other key functions are compromised.
Watch and take notes on some key strategies that I utilize every day to help people calm their nervous system from day-to-day stress.
There can be many reasons as so why you may be stressed and overwhelmed. PLEASE NOTE - the content and strategies presented in this video are very generalized and may not be the best treatment option for the specific medical history and pregnancy. The content of this video is meant for information purposes only and should not be taken as a treatment pla...
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