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Member since: 20 Sep, 2014
Location: Ottawa, ON
Relationship status: Single
About me:
Love is always in the air. It is not only felt during Valentine’s Day but even on ordinary days we can celebrate it as a special occasion. It solely depends on how you express your love to someone or how you want to make a day extra special. There are plenty of ways or ideas that you can do to make this happen and one of this is giving beautiful flowers. Everyone can feel the magic when you’re giving flowers. It simply gives off an amazing sense of well-being or better yet improves anybody’s mood. But some questions can bother you about giving flowers. Things such as: what kind of flowers will be appropriate for the occasion, emotion or mood; what card or message is added aside from the flowers; what type of arrangement is best for the occasion; how much will you be spending on the flowers and door to door delivery; and will your specifications be met?


9 year

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